Supreme Court administration has launched an investigation into the viral image of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder, Imran Khan. The image, which surfaced on social media, shows Khan appearing via video link from Adiala Jail during the NAB amendments case hearing.
The unexpected release of this image has raised significant concerns about courtroom security and protocol breaches. According to sources within the Supreme Court, the administration is meticulously reviewing CCTV footage to identify the individual responsible for capturing and disseminating the photo. This act is seen as a direct violation of court rules, which strictly prohibit unauthorized photography and recording during judicial proceedings.
The incident has sparked a debate on the sanctity of courtroom privacy and the potential implications of such breaches. The Supreme Court’s stringent rules are in place to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the judicial process. By allowing such leaks, there is a risk of undermining the justice system and compromising the privacy of the individuals involved.
Law enforcement agencies have been instructed to take stringent action against those found guilty of this breach. The police are actively involved in tracking down the source of the leak and ensuring that appropriate legal measures are taken. This move underscores the seriousness with which the judicial system views this infringement.
Following the viral spread of the image, the court has also taken steps to mitigate future risks. The video feed size during Khan’s virtual appearances has been reduced, aiming to minimize the chances of unauthorized images being captured and circulated.
This incident has not only highlighted the vulnerabilities in the current system but has also prompted a reevaluation of security measures within the judiciary. The Supreme Court’s prompt response indicates a zero-tolerance policy towards breaches of protocol, reinforcing the importance of maintaining the decorum and confidentiality of judicial proceedings.